Calmest In The Face Of Danger Award Goes To....

Off to a friend's house for dinner last night! She's got herself a wee flat in Edinburgh so we all invaded to have a nose about. The living room was huge and took up, no joke, half the flat. The other half was a kitchen, bathroom and bedroom. It was a pretty good night from a food preparation point of view, the other three were making all the food, a course each, and us two just turned up, waited, ate and then left again!!

The food was great and also became the best entertainment for the evening! After much cajoling about the cooking skills of others, our dessert maker got his comeuppance! In the form of fire! But to his credit he took it all calmly, the presence of smoke billowing from the kitchen, the eyes stinging and the coughing of his fellow diners he still remained seated until he had finished what he had to say. Then sauntering casually into the kitchen, swooshing away the smoke in his path, he opens the oven to a cloud of grey, and with a voice full of utter surprise says:

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